Friday, November 16, 2012

Dreams (A Poem By Q. Coyett)

I dream of you,
dreaming of me

In my imagination,
lovely and free

Astray on a unimaginable path

Where me and you are all we have

Dreaming of dreams that should be
In the mind of you and me

In my dreams its us I see I see us in perfect harmony
Dreams, Dreams, Dreams dreams of you and dreams of me

In dreams of you in dreams of me
The dreams that hope

The dreams that elope You to me and me to you
but dreams like this could never come true....

International Day 2012

Crossroads Accelerated Academy at Elverson

What does International Day means to me: (by R. Gaines and G. Wright 16 November 2012)
International day means coming together and showing off your cultural heritage by making food, wearing traditional dress, or performing a traditional dance. Today is International Day here at Crossroads and its a day full of joy. On this day we are all gathered to learn about one another's different culture and national background. I think that this is a great way for students and parents to learn more about others and there way of life. Everyone can try all different kinds of foods that they eat in other parts of the world. 
We can celebrate our differences and our similarities!

Interview with Co-Presidents of CAA

Interview Of The Week:
Incoming Co-Presidents D. Hewitt and F. Burns
By B. Reyes 16 November 2012
How did you to became the new presidents of Crossroads?
We became the new President’s because the other two candidates decided to give up the power to us.
What is your plan on getting money for the school for trips and educational stuff for the school?
Our plan is to have more dress down days, have bake sales and fun activities that will help us raise money for the school.
What is the plan to help students have better grades?
Our plan is to have students come to study hall and stay after school for some extra time to go over the lesson he or she couldn't understand.



By T. Millard 10 November 2012
The Student Council Elections were held at Crossroads on Monday, Nov. 5th, 2012. Election results are as follows:

R. Rochwell (President) and K. Phetmoukda (VP) won the elec-tion. In second place was D. Hewitt (P) and B. Baiinga (VP), third place was F. Burns (P) and M. McKenzie (VP). The stu-dents who voted were asked to file into the polling room, sign in, and entire process was watched up until they entered the voting booth’s. Students at Crossroads participated in the entire elec-tion process, created signs and fliers, and gave speeches. After the debates, the election was held and our Student Council began to meet the following Thursday afternoon! Many thanks to all who participated!

The Presidential Election was on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, 2012. On Tuesday night around 11:41 PM, the new President of the United States was elected, and by an outstanding amount Barack Obama won re-election by 303/270 votes. Meanwhile Mitt Romney only had 206 votes, nearly 100 less than Obama! Many who voted for Romney were saddened by the loss, but others who had voted for Obama were gleeful when they found out that Obama had won.